"" "" "" Angellyrics Topics: How To Increase Blog Traffic The Best Way With Blog Engage

Sunday 22 March 2015

How To Increase Blog Traffic The Best Way With Blog Engage

As a blogger you will need an audience to share your talent and inspirations with.And if you want to earn from blogging you do need traffic and you will need lots of traffic.That is where Blog Engage comes in.What is Blog Engage? Blog Engage is an amazing community where like minded bloggers meet, submit their own posts, vote and comment with one another, hence the name Blog Engage.Blog Engage has a monthly Syndication or Management Package which will enable you to no longer be manually submitting or writing your blog posts.With this you can focus on more important factors such as building key relationships with other bloggers and generating new sales. Blog Engage offers unique Blog Management Services which includes everything within the Blog Syndication Package plus content creation for your blog. Each Blog Management Package comes with all features and benefits of the Blog Syndication Packages.

 Here are the features that you can find on their Standard Account. 

  • Manual Submission: You can share your article with Blog engage community manually from which you can earn some great amount of visitors as well. 
  • Adsense Revenue: Program On all your manually submitted and or syndicated Articles Blog engage will display your Google Adsense ads! you need to modify your profile to get this feature. 
  • Groups: You can join different groups or you can create one yourself where you can share your content with your targeted audience. Community Blog You can post guest blogs on their blog any time when you want. You can introduce yourself to the community,show off your blog and so much more. You can also link your articles in your guest posts which will be a great source to gain healthy backlinks
  • Blog Forum :You can also join their forums to ask any questions regarding blogging. Or you can ask people to review your Blog which will be a great source to gain some extra and free traffic. 
  • Blog Directory The blog directory is another way to help you rank in the search engines. You can add all your favorite blog links with tags and titles to helpyou rank higher for your targeted keywords.
  •  Free e-Book : SEO Marketing E-Book Written by Brian Belfitt 
  •  Just Retweet Bonus (500) :One another great feature which no other community has. Actually Just Retweet is in partnership with Blog Engage that is why they offer all Blog Engage Standard Account holders free Credits. Just ReTweet is an Twitter Web App and traffic tool that helps Twitter users to pull huge traffic to their blog articles. 

These are just afew of the great opportunities that you will get from Blog Engage and watch the traffic flow in the way it should.

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